2018 Artworks

When working in the landscape I arrange what I see into a composition of my choosing.  However, with studio work I rely on experiences, seen and imagined, to create a similarity.

The ever present landscape and human forms invade my mind enabling an output of 8-10 works.  Working simultaneously I gradually reduce them to 3 or 4 and eventually to 1 or 2 finished works.

Maintaining a semi-abstraction profile allows (the viewers) to identify with the paintings, while drawing on their own experiences and exercising their imagination.

As time goes by
As time goes by
153cm (W) x 153cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Chimney 163 x 137 cm
137cm (W) x 163cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Not Bib or Bub 183 x 122 cm
Not Bib or Bub
183cm (W) x 122cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Bush harp 147 x 183 cm
Bush harp
183cm (W) x 147cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Gum leaves 182 x 152 cm
Gum leaves
152cm (W) x 182cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Emerald Green 183 x 147 cm
Emerald green
147cm (W) x 183cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Underworld 183 x 147 cm
147cm (W) x 183cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Blue gum 183 x 147cm
Blue gum
147cm (W) x 183cm (H)
Oil on Canvas
Green leaves 183 x 147 cm
Green leaves
Oil on Canvas
Trestle Bridge
Trestle Bridge
183cm (W) x 183cm (H)
Oil on Canvas

Australian Artist